Monday, March 18, 2013

Lying People

A situation tonight spawned this post:
A common myth is that homeless persons are a bunch of lying individuals who have no morals whatsoever. I hope this helps break that myth.
In actuality, homeless persons may pass an occasional bullshit story; even stretch the truth at times to an incredible level that only a man on the moon would understand. Basically, this is out of boredom and the need for making a good afternoon out of the same old day to day stuff that is required to survive.
Let’s take a look at the “common” person for a switch. How many ‘white lies’ does it take for it to become unjustified?
Here’s a few: Not answering the phone, (screening calls via answering machine or caller ID); Making cheap excuses for not attending that party or luncheon; how about avoiding a situation altogether just because you didn’t really want to see a particular person? What about the times you didn’t answer the door because your favorite show was playing or you were just too damn lazy?
Of the many homeless persons I have met, the word ‘welcome’ means welcome.
Makes a person think now doesn’t it?
Until Next Time,
Kirk Toncray

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