Tuesday, February 17, 2015


The more I attempt to write, “Beyond the Signs,” the more of jumbled up fricken mess it becomes. There are so many people wanting to hear a conclusion but the fact of the matter is – there is no conclusion. This is how life goes and for some, it is even more of a challenge than most would like to admit. Today, for instance, I walked to the bank and followed a man who was pushing his bicycle while holding a duffle bag in one hand and had a backpack slung over his other arm. Poking out of the backpack was a sleeping bag. Need I say more?

As I exited the bank and began my day’s journey, I passed that man who was sitting in the sunshine and spreading his blankets and sleeping bag to dry out. I walked a little farther then glanced back and saw Springfield Police asking him questions. The man did not appear high or drunk to me, just cold and wanting to dry his things out in the warm sun. Where’s the crime?

Until Later,
–Kirk Toncray

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