Friday, March 29, 2013

Open our ears

It saddens me when people get so hung up in their own ways that listening doesn’t even exist. What happened to opened ears? If we all would just put our own selfishness aside, maybe we could change things. It won’t happen though until we shut our own mouths and open our ears and our minds.
Until next time,
Kirk Toncray

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Listen or Hear

This isn’t anything new; I just think it’s appropriate. Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we forget who we are talking to or the depth the short conversation may lead. Here’s an example. Bear with me; I’m a former Diesel Mechanic.
I was watching a lowboy hauling a log loader turn the corner with a flagger in front and a flagger behind. The ‘Oversize Load’ signs were up and as the driver rounded the corner, he was talking on his CB and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t ordering pizza. He was gaining information about his load. It may have shifted, come loose, etc. It could have been a real mess.
The flaggers weren’t just listening to the words that were flowing on that frequency; they were hearing what was said.
So many times in life we pick and choose what we absorb without allowing the true message to penetrate. I’m guilty, and so are you. When we walk by someone, do we say, “How’s it going?” just because it seems to be the friendly thing to do or stop and actually wait for a reply? Do we listen to the response or hear it?
Giving speeches is a blessing that is no doubt one of the best ways for me to gain awareness of homeless persons. I have gotten response from my last speech and it seems the audience has heard the words, not just listened.
Until later,
Kirk Toncray

Monday, March 25, 2013

Substance Abuse

I wasn’t going to do this but I figured it’s worthwhile. After speaking with a person whom I have known for quite some time, and swears up and down against judgment, that person’s true colors showed during a recent conversation.
I don’t recall how it got this far but this particular person still has it in focus that all homeless persons either drink or use drugs, or both. This is simply not true and trying to explain this to someone who just-will-not-listen is next to impossible.
Even though it is true that a large percentage of less fortunate individuals do use one or the other, or both, the reasons for this should be clear to anyone who has read the last chapter of Behind the Signs.
Without going further, I’ll just post part of the last chapter so you can decide for yourself.

I know that overlapped a bit but give me a break. It's 2:00 in the morning. The first full paragraph contains the information that this post is all about.
Until Next Time,
Kirk Toncray

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lying People

A situation tonight spawned this post:
A common myth is that homeless persons are a bunch of lying individuals who have no morals whatsoever. I hope this helps break that myth.
In actuality, homeless persons may pass an occasional bullshit story; even stretch the truth at times to an incredible level that only a man on the moon would understand. Basically, this is out of boredom and the need for making a good afternoon out of the same old day to day stuff that is required to survive.
Let’s take a look at the “common” person for a switch. How many ‘white lies’ does it take for it to become unjustified?
Here’s a few: Not answering the phone, (screening calls via answering machine or caller ID); Making cheap excuses for not attending that party or luncheon; how about avoiding a situation altogether just because you didn’t really want to see a particular person? What about the times you didn’t answer the door because your favorite show was playing or you were just too damn lazy?
Of the many homeless persons I have met, the word ‘welcome’ means welcome.
Makes a person think now doesn’t it?
Until Next Time,
Kirk Toncray

Slow Down and Change?

It’s been a while since I wrote on this blog and for that I apologize. It's been a little crazy lately and I will make no more excuses than this:

I had been working diligently on a speech to give at a local college on the effects of homelessness and how to avoid getting into such a mess in the first place. In that process, I managed not only to drain myself of energy and funding, (don't ask), I managed to lose a friend as well. We had only been friends for a few months but it hurt deeply all the same.

I also found my ass in the hospital after a massive seizure and a huge gash in the back of my head because I neglected to take my medication. I was told in the hospital to start eating properly and quit eating at Micky-Dees, just because it was fast and convenient. After the speech at the college was over, I ate a small meal at home, had a bowl of ice cream, let the doggie lick the bowl, then immediately went to bed. This was about 7:00 and I didn't wake up until about 10:00 the next morning.

I am now told by a dear friend, who also just so happens to be a pastor, to SLOW DOWN, and that I am taking on too much. Here's the problem: If I slow down and laze off, who's going to take up the slack? The homeless persons out there can't just give up because they get a little tired. In NASCAR if the car is pushing a little in the turns and the driver pits while running in the front of the pack, the car owner is going to have a very serious talk with that driver.

I took the day off today, well, yesterday. The only thing I did was go and get a new modem because the old one failed and there was no internet connection. No problem, three connections and a call to Comcast for a reset and all is well.

I have an appointment tomorrow, today,  to get the staples pulled out and more than likely get my ass chewed from my personal physician. My grandma has surgery, and numerous things need attention. As far as rest goes, I guess one day is too much. I’m sure you’ve been there too.

Until Next Time,
Kirk Toncray